Headless Commerce case study: Jerome Dreyfuss - Front-Commerce

What’s inside?

  • Introducing agility into an existing e-commerce platform
  • Evolving the front-end whilst postponing changes to the back-end
  • A replatforming with clear benefits
  • The benefits of Headless Commerce

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Jerome Dreyfuss Case Study Etude De Cas Front Commerce

Front-Commerce makes sense for any e-commerce site that has more than 50% of its users on mobile. React’s component logic was also in line with the atomic logic of the design. The support of Magento 1 and 2 definitely ensured our choice for Front-Commerce.”

– Thibaut, Superspace 

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Improve your customer journey, optimize SEO & increase conversions with headless commerce


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What are the Benefits of Headless Commerce?

A flexible e-commerce platform that’s ready to adapt
  • Performance
  • Composable
  • API
  • Microservices
Improve your KPIs & meet new business objectives
  • Conversion
  • SEO
  • Traffic
  • Costs
A fluid shopping experience that drives growth across channels
  • Omni-channel
  • Multi-device
  • Unified commerce
Tailor-made storefront with unlimited design potential
  • UX
  • Hyper-personalization
  • Real-time display