Understanding Server-Side Tracking for Enhanced Data Collection - Front-Commerce

What’s inside?

  • Server Side Tracking, and it’s relevance

  • Orchestrating Server-Side Tracking Data Flow

  • Client-Side Tracking vs. Server-Side Tracking

  • Server-Side Tracking and Data Privacy

  • Exploring Event-Driven Use Cases

  • Leveraging Server-Side Tracking for Content Creation

  • Front-Commerce and Server-Side Tracking

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Are you concerned about the accuracy of your website data due to privacy restrictions and ad blockers? Traditional methods of collecting data through browser-based scripts, known as client-side tracking, are facing increasing limitations. This guide explores server-side tracking, a powerful alternative that ensures reliable data collection, enabling you to make informed decisions about your business.

The end of third-party cookies and increasing browser privacy restrictions require businesses to adapt their data collection strategies. Focusing on first-party data, leveraging new technologies like server-side tracking, and prioritizing user privacy are key to success in digital industries.

As privacy regulations tighten and the use of ad blockers grows, client-side tracking often results in incomplete or inaccurate data, hindering effective marketing and analytics efforts. Server-side tracking overcomes these obstacles by collecting data directly from the server, circumventing ad blockers and browser restrictions. This method ensures higher data accuracy and reliability, enhances data quality, and addresses privacy concerns by avoiding the exposure of sensitive information on the client side.

Learn more by accessing the guide today.