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Web development standards move fast. Staying ahead by keeping an eye on key industry trends and advancements.

If you’re looking for your next business development, IoT creation or innovation, you need to be familiar with web development trends for 2021.

  1. Personalized content thanks to machine learning

Machine learning is the development of computer systems that are able to learn and adapt without the direct involvement of the developer. By using algorithms, statistics and more, it analyses the data and draws conclusions from patterns in this data. 

Machine learning is a form of Artificial Intelligence that we use daily without always realizing it. Which is actually a great sign that it is working and proves the efficiency of the experience provided.

A machine learning algorithm automatically analyzes the visitor’s decisions to increase the probability of a conversion. That is to say the technology identifies each user individually (instead of targeting the entire segments of users) and provides content and personalized search results for each of them.


  1. WebAssembly

WebAssembly is a World Wide Web Standard created to complete JavaScript features. WebAssembly can gather code from a programming language into the bytecode running the browser. It  also means reducing the limitation of JavaScript and protecting a better version of the user experience.


  1. Voice search

Voice search is now a big part of our technological equipment. Siri for iPhone, Google Assistant for Android, intelligent speakers with deep learning and AI… They are becoming more and more popular. Why’s that? Well firstly, digital voice assistants are now a common smartphone feature and with smartphones costing $50, this feature is easily accessible to the public. Voice search is also easy to use for someone familiar with smartphones. So we mustn’t ignore that voice search creates an impact & opportunity for businesses. It is a big trend in ecommerce, but also in all sectors on the web: it is in fact another channel to consider in terms of awareness & display but also to sell your products online.


  1. Data security

A web application can process a lot of data, and the more you operate, the more you can attract bad behavior on your system. We are talking about cybercriminals of course, but also all kinds of misconceptions about your clients’ data security. Your visitors won’t buy from your store if they can’t trust you to protect their personal information. 

To keep your user data safe, you should:

  • Make sure that your third-party services are safe and reliable instead of choosing a SaaS software only for its accessibility and speed
  • Decentralize your database and DNS.
  • Carry out security tests during the development phase. 
  • Monitor your requests with a website monitoring tool and search for suspicious activity. 
  • Encrypt the data that is more sensitive. 


  1. Multi-experience

Making web applications compliant for all screens is a new trend in technology. The experience is not only driven through smartphones or computers. Features have to be suitable for all devices: it is a multi-channel approach of the interaction between a machine and a human. 

Edge computing and 5G technology will also have an impact on the development of multi-experience trends. If you want to know more about edge computing you should read our previous article!


  1. Motion U.I.

Motion U.I. is the new cool way to attract the user’s attention in 2021. Animated charts and backgrounds, modular scrolling, header transitions, relevant hovers… Motion U.I. will help you display your business’s unique selling point in an exciting and trust inciting way. If you are a retailer, you can also increase user engagement and UI/UX by refining Motion U.I technology and creating enhanced user interaction.


  1. PWA and AMP 

Progressive Web Applications and Accelerated Mobile Pages are something that you should adopt to reduce the loading time of your web pages. Google loves these solutions, and so do your consumers!

PWA reproduces the native mobile experience into web pages, supporting interactions without being too expensive. AMP gives you access to static content, and loads faster than regular HTML. Plus, both solutions are a great way to boost your SEO strategy! 

Not sure whether you should choose PWA or AMP? We can help you decide, let us know your situation below. Web and user trends move more quickly than ever for retailers. Offering an extensive experience to your customers will surely help you reach your goals!